a School for tomorrow's


a School for tomorrow. is committed to releasing publications that provide insight into the world of education, featuring contributions from education leaders from around the world. Explore our range of product offerings below.



Character Education Series

This four-book series, built on over three decades of global research and conversations with students, families and educators, provides a comprehensive roadmap for living a meaningful life. The books form a progressive journey: from discovering purpose, through developing excellence, into leadership, and finally creating actionable plans for impact. Drawing on research by Dr Phil Cummins from CIRCLE Education, a School for tomorrow, and the Game Changers podcast, each volume offers students practical guidance for personal growth and societal contribution.

$99.95 AUD

Game Changers: Leading todays learning for tomorrows world

Game Changers: Leading todays learning for tomorrows world

Game Changers Book

The world is changing – and rapidly. If we want to foster young people’s ability to learn, live, lead and work in that changing world, the way we approach education and leadership in schools must change too.

“This book makes a major contribution because it takes the agenda for the transformation of education one stage further, and really lays out with forensic clarity the nature of the leadership that this task will require.”

Valerie Hannon

Co-founder of the Innovation Unit UK & co-author of Thrive

$59.95 AUD

“This book makes a major contribution because it takes the agenda for the transformation of education one stage further, and really lays out with forensic clarity the nature of the leadership that this task will require.”

Valerie Hannon

Co-founder of the Innovation Unit UK & co-author of Thrive


Clio's Scroll

A Little Book About History

A best-selling reflection on the philosophy, practice and teaching of History

$25 AUD

Game Changers Series One Podcast

Podcast Transcript

This series features conversations with Stephanie McConnell, Yong Zhao, Valerie Hannon, Kasonde Musoma, Catherine Misson, Peter Hutton, Madeleine Grummet and Mark Hutchinson.


The Way

The character of an excellent education

This PDF book is the product of many years of research and development by a team of educators and other professionals at CIRCLE. Our work has been enriched by the partnership of clients and professional associations who have encouraged us to build deep relationships with them that have allowed us to learn so much about what we believe makes a great 21C school function.

$20 AUD

CIRCLE Legacy Archives

PDF Book Collection

The CIRCLE Legacy Archives provides a bundle of resources that have shaped our research into the current day. The Legacy Archives include: Brave Hearts Bold Minds, Clios Scroll, Get Ready to Lead, Circle Planning and Managing Schools Finances, School Financial Culture, School Planning, The Board book, and Taking Development Seriously.

$49 AUD

Journals, Research Papers and Toolkits


Best Use of Time Project - Chevalier College

Action Research Insights Report Appendices and Response

This report provides an overview of the process and findings of research conducted into the initial year of Flipped Mondays as part of the Best Use of Time Project at Chevalier College in Burradoo, New South Wales.


Make A Difference

Live Series Paper

This Make A Difference Live Series paper shares insights from our CIRCLE Global Educational Research Program about the value of educating for agency in our learning ecosystems through the lens of our six global standards of high-performing schools – culture, leadership, learning, performance, strategy, and systems & operations.


Test What's Possible

Live Series Paper

This Test What's Possible Live Series paper shares insights from our CIRCLE Global Educational Research Program about the value of educating for agency in our learning ecosystems through the lens of our six global standards of high-performing schools – culture, leadership, learning, performance, strategy, and systems & operations.


Tell Your Story

Live Series Paper

This Tell Your Story Live Series paper shares insights from our CIRCLE Global Educational Research Program about the value of educating for voice in our learning ecosystems through the lens of our six global standards of high-performing schools – culture, leadership, learning, performance, strategy, and systems & operations.


From Engagement to Empowerment

Live Series Paper

This From Engagement to Empowerment Live Series paper shares insights from our CIRCLE Global Educational Research Program into the value of educating for voice, agency and advocacy in our learning ecosystems.


The Learner Agency Issue

Monday Quarterly | Volume 2 | Issue 4 | December 2022

What makes today’s learning for tomorrow’s world different from yesterday’s learning in our schools comes down to how we enhance the agency of our learners.


The Leadership Issue

Monday Quarterly | Volume 2 | Issue 3 | September 2022

Dive into the notion of leadership and all its challenges and opportunities to reflect on the transformational power of changing your game and changing the game.


The World of Work Issue

Monday Quarterly | Volume 2 | Issue 2 | June 2022

In this edition of The Monday Quarterly, explore and be inspired to find a vision for an education that equips, empowers and enables our learners to be future-fit and future ready.


The Learning Issue

Monday Quarterly | Volume 2 | Issue 1 | March 2022

Explore the ideas and inspiration from the science of learning to understand what matters in learning, how to make it work, and how to know we are making the difference.


The Character Issue | Special Research Edition

Monday Quarterly | Special Research Edition | December 2021

Since 2012, we’ve been deeply immersed in investigating the character of an excellent education. This issue covers that research.


The Wellness Issue

Monday Quarterly | Volume 1 | Issue 2 | October 2021

Everything we do starts with belonging – and it all rests on how well we are. Explore wellness in this issue of The Monday Quarterly.


The A Life of Purpose Issue

Monday Quarterly | Volume 1 | Issue 1 | July 2021

Designed to inspire you to claim the purpose for your personal journey of exploration, encounter and discovery.


Wellness By Design

Continuous Learning Toolkit | Volume 3

In this CLT, learn about wellness and how it applies in your practice through a sharp focus on self-direction, self-determination and self-regulation as critical dimensions in fostering the development of resilient and independent learners.


Leading Through Crisis

Continuous Learning Toolkit | Volume 2

In this CLT, the collective wisdom of educators from around the world have been gathered to provide you with a path towards understanding what’s possible in the new world of education and the significance of the interdependence of learning and wellbeing.


People and Practice

Continuous Learning Toolkit | Volume 1

In this CLT, explore the journey taken by educators around the world in understanding the role that relationships and the big picture work in allowing you and your learning community to thrive.